Friday, April 19, 2013

About that Boston thing: America, I have some questions.

This may tick off some folks. If that's you, I don't apologize but feel free to write your disagreement in the comments. As long as they aren't vulgar or threatening, I'll leave them in place because I'm a grown up and can handle criticism.

I've been in the media for many years now. Most of that time has been spent on the news side of the business. I've been a reporter, an anchor, a host and an interviewer. I've been in politics from time to time but got out of activism a few years ago. Since then, I've avoided making political comments on Facebook or Twitter and hope this isn't considered a political statement. It's designed to be something about culture.
In the news business, we often brag about our role that demands we ask the tough questions of those in charge. There's quite a bit of self-importance felt in newsrooms, to be honest. That's because we feel we're called to hold important people accountable for their decisions and we're supposed to be generally skeptical of things.
So, I want to question some very important The American people.
As I type this, the 19-year-old who is suspected of bombing the Boston Marathon has apparently just been captured. There are cheers out loud and cheers online over that.
If he did it, then I'm thrilled that he's in police custody.
But, America, I have some questions for you because I've been watching your decisions that I think deserve skepticism.
Maybe I was one of the few who didn't feel good about hearing that a "lock down" had been ordered for Boston, one of our nation's largest cities. Then, that lock down was expanded to surrounding towns. People were told to stay inside and only open the door for approved, uniformed government personnel.
Over a million people were ordered to not engage in commerce, not to earn money to pay their bills and deny their children an education that day. A few city and state officials (maybe just one or two) made that decision for them without any objection from what I could see.
That personnel went door to door, demanding unquestioned access to search homes without a warrant. Those teams exited their military Humvees equipped with machine guns and body armor, they demanded to be let in even if the homeowner knew for a fact the teenager they were looking for was not there.

Image from Yahoo
It was for everyone's own good, though, and access was granted. Maybe some didn't like it but, hey, all these guys have big guns and who's going to argue with that?
Yes, I know what the suspect is accused of doing. I am no less angry about it than you are. If the young man who was captured is guilty, then I hope he gets a speedy and fair trial, a just conviction and the harshest penalty possible.
Government even pleaded with media and individuals to not communicate in certain ways. Your Tweet or Facebook post might tip the suspect off as to where they are, so stop talking to each other.
You don't want the bad guy to get away, right? Just comply and give up your rights for a little while, people were told. It's for your safety.
I guess my surprise is at the fact those demands and those actions were apparently not at least controversial.
How did we get to a point where thousands of people, without objection or even question, comply with unilateral orders to not earn a living, not go to school, not go on vacation, not enjoy that day off and visit the coffee shop?
Well, America (not just Boston, because I believe the same response would have happened anywhere in this nation), this has been a long time coming and you've forgotten how you got us here.
After 9/11, we were told we had to be safer, so the government put blue shirt nobodies between us and our travel. They ordered us to stand down as they did things to our bodies that, in any other circumstance, would be prosecuted as sexual assault.
We complained. We asked "if we give up this portion of our rights, what's next?" We demanded to be treated like free people and not criminal suspects. We were told that safety required it. We were told how these objections were unreasonable. It's not a big deal, after all; it's just a little inconvenience and it's worth it.
You don't want someone to sneak something dangerous on the plane, do you? Now get rid of that shampoo.
So, the complaints eventually dissipated and what once made us angry is now hardly noticed. It's the new normal and we're conditioned to accept it.
But, it didn't stop there.
Government demanded that we submit our financial information to them when we open even a basic bank account. God forbid you deposit a large amount of money in it at once - that has to be reported as well, even when there's no suspicion of a crime taking place.
We complained. We asked "if we give up this portion of our rights, what's next?" We demanded to be treated like free people and not criminal suspects. We were told safety required it. We were told how these objections were unreasonable. It's not a big deal, after all; it's just a quick form on the computer. It's just a little inconvenience and it's worth it.
You don't want to allow someone to covertly finance something dangerous, do you? Now sign here so we can send your information to Washington's database.
The complaints lasted a short time and what once made us wary is now just accepted as part of doing business. It's the new normal and we're conditioned to accept it.
Government then decided it needs access to our personal communications. Our email, our social media, our movie and book rental history, even.
We complained. We asked "if we give up this portion of our rights, what's next?" We demanded to be treated like free people and not criminal suspects. We were told safety required it. We were told how these objections were unreasonable. It's not a big deal, after all; you won't even notice that someone else is looking in or tracking. It's not even an inconvenience and it's worth it.
You don't want a potential terrorist to be able to coordinate an attack online, do you? Or to learn at the library or on the web how to harm someone, do you? Now look the other way, snap that picture of your breakfast burrito, hit "submit" and stop worrying about it.
The complaints died down and what once gave us flashbacks to an Orwell novel is now just accepted as part of life. It's the new normal and we're conditioned to accept it.
But, America, since we demand safety, government wants to do more than just protect us from terrorists.
All over the nation, your purchase of a perfectly legal item must now be government approved and tracked.
Government in most states demanded that we turn over our identification to a complete stranger at a private business when we need medicine for our cold or allergies. That product is approved for sale on the shelves, but your purchase of it goes into a database even when there's no hint you have any part in a crime.
We complained. We asked "if we give up this portion of our rights, what's next?" We demanded to be treated like free people and not criminal suspects. We were told safety required it. We were told how these objections were unreasonable. It's not a big deal, after all; it only takes a second. It's only a small inconvenience and it's worth it.
You don't want a drug dealer to get another child hooked on meth, do you? Now let me see your I.D. for the tracking software.
The complaints washed away and what once insulted our very being isn't even noticed. It's the new normal and we're conditioned to accept it.
Oh, America, I could go on and on with example after example.
The pattern is generally the same. Something bad happens and We the People, along with a generally unthinking media, demand that government do something about it.
So, they do.
They respond with new rules, new demands for access to something about our personal lives and new requirements for government permission to do perfectly legal personal, financial, medical and even social things.
We complain. Maybe we toss in a quote or two from a "Founding Father", cite the Bill of Rights and demand our rights for a little while. Those who complain long enough are generally marginalized and eventually laughed at as "extremists" or as someone who is out of touch and on the "wrong side of history."
We're shown polling data that proves our demand for personal freedom and privacy isn't popular. It's really just a "common sense reform" to "close a loophole" so don't make a big deal out of it. Everyone else wants it after watching the cable news, so government is just responding to the will of the people. We live in a democracy, right? So just accept it because the majority wins (we actually don't live in a democracy- we live in a constitutional republic and there is a difference).
Still complaining? Then you must be alright with children being killed by bad guys. Those personal freedoms are out of date, anyway. Just give up a little and you'll get safety. Doesn't that make you feel better?
Oh sure, we trust you but you can't trust the guy next door and the rules have to be the same for everyone so, be a good citizen and hand over your bank account information, register your personal belongings and don't worry about what someone taps into and reads. It's just to make sure you're not dangerous and, well, you don't have anything to hide so don't worry about it.
In fact, don't even think about it.
These things happen during the tenures of both Republican and Democratic Presidents and at times when each party controls each chamber of Congress at some point. It's not about politics. I don't care if you are a conservative or a liberal or hold some other leaning.
This is about our culture. This is a mindset. This is about us as individuals within that culture.
So, America, here we are in 2013.
We've given up just a little bit of freedom over here for safety. We've given up just a little bit of privacy over there for security. We've given up a little more somewhere else because times have changed and that's just how things are in this age of terrorism, extremism, uncontrolled religion which could be dangerous and violent crime.
I ask you, America, where your decisions have led us. You can blame the politicians we elect, of course. I certainly do but we elect them. Ultimately, we are to blame if we have a government, once famously believed to be "...of the People, by the People, for the People...", that is no longer the servant but the unrestrained master.
Where has that led us? Well, from where I sit, it's led us to Boston in 2013. Ironically, the city that was the cradle of American freedom in the 1700's.
One or two government officials unilaterally ordered a "lock down" and hundreds - maybe thousands - of armed government personnel demanded complete access to homes, businesses and anything else someone had.
Image from the Huffington Post
What can reasonably be called at least a form of martial law was apparently not even controversial. Unquestioned compliance was demanded and given. It was maybe unsettling to some but it was accepted as just what had to be done. Everyone wanted to get the alleged bad guy.
No one seems to be complaining. But I'll ask: "If we give up this portion of our rights, what's next?"
I'm not directing this question to America's governments. That is not what the nation is. I'm asking for an answer from some important people. The people who are supposed to be in charge: you.
Are we conditioned to accept whatever we are told to do by someone in a uniform or with a political title? Have we accepted that trade of personal liberty for the promise of safety and security?
If so, the other end of the bargain was not delivered at the marathon several days ago. Is the answer to trade just a little more?
Or are we now at a point to question the direction we've gone thus far?
Remember, America, if you want to reclaim freedom and privacy, there is a risk. The world is a dangerous place. Bad people will still do bad things. With freedom comes responsibility and accountability for us all.
Do you want that or do you just not think about it and wait for orders?
I await your answer.


  1. Wow! Not sure what, exactly, to say about all of that. You make extremely valid points; but, what's the solution? Armed rebellion? A non-government affiliated "private" police force? Should we organize the unorganized militia (my personal choice--but, that's many paragraphs for another day)? I'm not sure if there is a solution short some very bad early 1860's kind of badness. You're right--this is much more a cultural than political issue. How do we deal with that? I suppose we start with the kindergartners and 1st graders. We'll have to take over the school boards first.

    For now, my phone is dying, so I'm gonna wrap this up, sleep on it; and see if I can dream up some non-violent solution. I will post tomorrow any solutions that I dream up. Most likely, I will only have more questions.

    Great post Mike--keep us thinking...

    1. I honestly believe.....the best solution would be for the American government to stop being such everyone....especially the American people.

    2. But the government is not going to stop being bullies as long as the uniformed and fearful people keep voting for the same psychopaths who have been running our government for decades. Unfortunately unless the government complies with the will of the people there may not be a nonviolent solution.

    3. This guy has 3 non-violent options:

      1. Financial non-compliance(basically cutting the banks and feds off financially)
      2. Blockade congress and don't even let them through the doors.
      3. Call for military mutiny, have the soldiers stop fighting the governments wars and come home.

    4. I agree with you Anonymous. The most effective way to cut these criminals off at the knees is to defund them. The American Citizens really need to unite on this and quit paying the illegal and unconstitutional income tax. One cannot do it alone but a nation can.

    5. The answer is for of us to stand against this regime. We ALL need to march up to Washington (remember the Million Man March?) and demand justice. Demand what is right.We have the power to fix all of this because WE are America. WE are in control, not the government. They work for us.....not the other way around. If we all speak as one, if we all march up to the steps of the Capitol, the White House...we CAN make a difference. Do not let them tell you how to live you life. Do not let them control every aspect of your life. "Do not go gentle into the night". Speak up for what is right. Speak up for America!

    6. This is all well and good when people talk about standing against the regime or tyranny. No one wants or enjoys living under an oppressive government, but one can talk a tough game. The question remains and where the rubber meets the road is, what are you going to do when they (ie, military/police) come knocking on your door with full body armor, machine guns, armored vehicles, and radios to call in nearly unlimited backup demanding whatever it may be that day that they want to know such as are you harboring a criminal, do you have guns, or whatever the circumstances may be at the time? Your neighbors won't be there to stand with you. It will be you against them. What will you do? Will you comply and let them in your home or stand up against all that force? Like I said people can talk a tough game. If you don't believe this can or will happen, they did it during Katrina when they went door to door to disarm the people in New Orleans.

    7. i was not one of the people on lockdown however it seemed like the only way to capture the bad guy. i'd like to hear from some of those people that were locked down.

    8. Go Mike! Well said.
      I wish this were a tad shorter so more people would read it.

  2. I couldn't agree more! I'm going to share this on my radio show today. Thanks Mike!

  3. The answer is we start over. We decide that the rules have gotten out of hand and the people in charge of making them are horrifically corrupt and we sit down and rewrite the Constitution. And the first new rule that we make is that every 50 years or so we sit down and do it again. We use a little common sense for once. Have you ever taken on a big cleaning project or a move and thought, "It would really just be easier to burn it down and start all over?" That's the way I feel about the American government, military and law enforcement agencies. I enjoyed reading this Mike. Thank you.

    1. The constitution does not need to be rewritten. If that were to happen we would lose many freedoms. We need to throw away all of these insane rules, regulations and laws. Not to mention refund and abort the tsa and dhs.

    2. Tammy,
      I agree on the surface with Paul, the Constitution is the finest government document. (that's a period) The issue is how it is unbalanced by the 17th amendment. This one amendment has caused the majority of the legal issues that are now plaguing the US. A little study of the reasons for the 1792 Federal Government clearly note that public opinion is not the way to elect many officials. So, the House of Reps is to be elected by the people. Every other office of the Federal Government is to be elected by other entities. Since 1912 (that's 100 years, folks) the constitution and the government it oversees has been imbalanced by the progressive thought that because all politicians are crooked, the document needed to change. As we are finding out, it's the crooked politicians that need to be changed. Repeal the 17th; elect new, invigorating, honest statesmen (not politicians; look up the definitions if you must) and our government will come back into balance and the American people and way of life will be restored. Might take a few years!

    3. I agree on the rewrite. When the Constitution was adopted none of the founders could imagine that a small union of 13 states would grow to a continent of 50 states and that amendments would be used to pervert the original balance between states and congress etc.

    4. I understand what you are saying, but the Constition doesn't need a rewrite, except for the bulk of it past the original being thrown out. We have been misled, eased into an easier way of life and letting the governmet take care of it. I believe that we have screwed up We, the People so badly that nothing short of collapsing and rebuilding will fix things...and that will be a very painful thing to see. Commo sense is amazingly hard to find these days, it's still there, but the hustle and bustle of what people have for lives ow gets in the way.

    5. Paul Davis, I agree, Warren, I completely agree! Eye of the Ocean I completely disagree! The founders showed great wisdom and foresight in writing the Constitution. The size of the US makes no difference. The Amendments were allowed but required a great many people to agree to them prior to adoption for a reason. Is it perfect - no! But it is better than what ANY OTHER country has to date. The usual problem is legal minds finding ways to twist the wording and the intent of the constitution and the amendments. Go no further than the second and you will see how they have tried to twist it change it and use it against the people - and that's just the start. Repeal the 17th amendment, apply the 14th as it was meant to be and understand that what the 16th really means! We need to study, understand and teach our children the constitution and other writings of our founding fathers or we will go the way of Rome - very fast!

    6. The constitution has a remedy for the above issues. Article V of the Constitution allows for a Constitutional Convention when 2/3 of the states' legislatures request it. One of the problems I see is that the Federal Government has grown too large and acquired too much power and money. All the power is concentrated in Washington and not at the state levels. Learn more at

      We need to get back to the basics of the Constitution, and state governements.

    7. When we open up a Con con we will open Pandora's box, so be careful what you wish for...

    8. I believe that the proposal to rewrite the Constitution is the lazy mind's way to deal with the difficulties presented with the one we have, which is perfectly adequate, even for our times. The problem this generation has with the Constitution and the order it brings is that it is a mirror to what we have become. I'll let you chew on that yourself. The other problem with your proposal is that it also presumes heavily upon the assumption that those charged to rewrite it will have the moral character and integrity to be impartial. Take a look at the European Union's effort to forge a modern Constitution for Europe. That should be evidence enough. I mean you no disrespect, but your proposal, though well intentioned is wholly uninformed on history and the nature of man.

    9. The Constituion is fine as written. It is one of the most elegant, concise, well thought out governing documents in world history, and the stability it has provided has served us exceptionally well for 250+ years. As mentioned, the issue is the RULES and REGULATIONS that have been promulgated, usually to accommodate special interests, often WITH NO CONNECTION to the Constitution, which immediately sets up a conflict that is then litigated and ties up the courts, clogging the legal system unnecessarily.

      Clarification of the Constitution is what the Supreme Court is set up to do.

      "If it ain't broke, don't fix it, but adjust it to work in new environments." That is what the Amendment process was designed to do.

      All branches of national Government are OUT OF CONTROL. The arrogance of the "We're in charge, it's for your safety" cabal is UNACCEPTABLE in a government where THEY work for US.

      We allowed this to happen by ignoring what was happening, all but eliminating functional Government education in the schools while special interests of all stripes waddled to the trough to purchase legislators to enact legislation for their purposes.

      In a trip down the "permissive" educational slide, the public "education" system dumbed down our citizenry to shockingly ignorant levels.

      Is it a surprise then, that the entire system has decayed and makes no sense? It's become a hodgepodge of laws unconnected to the central document, with representatives bought by special interests and elected by voters better equipped to watch American Idol than monitor the government that is supposed to work for THEM?

      We must regain control of the government either by replacing the current crop of corrupt individuals, or by rebellion (taxpayer revolt is an attractive concept)

      The new group of legislators must be citizen legislators who will
      * be TERM LIMITED
      * have NO ability to return as a lobbyist for ANY government agency
      * will serve under the laws they create.
      * pass laws ONLY by showing the Constitutional connection BEFORE passage.

      This will slow down legislation and ensure Constitutional compliance before passage, leaving the Supremes to deal with interpreting and applying the Constitution to today's world.

      As a Representative Republic, we "own" the government, so it seems logical that we must be trained to "run" our government. We require driver training for cars, so why not Government training for becoming an functional citizen. We must overhaul the education system to reinstate GOVERNMENT as required curricula, with minimum passing scores to be allowed to vote.

  4. All I can tell you is this is the BEST article I have read in a VERY VERY long time! I am sick and tired of a certain smaller majority wanting to take away MY rights and freedoms so "they" can feel safe or fed or whatever!

    Yes I am one those "radical" Americans as the sheep call us who will ALWAYS choose FREEDOM over SECURITY!

    1. And people think we're insane!

  5. That was a fantastic read and right on target. We give up our freedoms because the government says it'll make us safer. They illegally search homes because it'll make us safer. We stay inside because that's where it's safe.

    I sent this to my friends - this was excellent.

  6. We start over, abolish the government like it is stated in the constitution. The clause that states that when the government stops serving the will of the governed, that it can be abolished and a new government put in its place.

    1. That I can agree with as long as the consitution stays in tact. Although, I doubt this would happen without an armed conflict.

    2. Great idea!!!! Our Country has been taken over (s l o w l y) and we sat around, shook our heads and said "isn't it awful"? Now we say "it is too late".........if we believe that, then it is real!

      One woman took prayer out of school and small minority groups have been getting their way ever since. When are we, the people going to say "enough"?

    3. The minority is just as important as the majority when you are talking about people, please don't forget this. Not everyone believes in God, and it is important that we make sure their needs are taken care of as well.

    4. Don't confuse the Declaration of Independence with the Constitution The only way to change Gov. is the ballot box and the court.
      Any armed rebellion or promoting it is considered treason. The constitution is very clear about this. It is considered a hanging offense.

  7. The problem is that most of us will not really care until it effects us personally. Something like, I don't fly nuch or at all so airport security doesn't really phase me. I don't make large deposits in the bank so what the heck. And if I did make a large deposit, I'd be so happy that I wouldn't care about an extra form. Sending my emails and being on a social site runs seemlesly so I don't even notice the theft of my info. Showing ID at the drugstore is already done for safety that I don't get the wrong medicine and I don't want to get accidentally poisoned, right? So an ID check for prescriptions also covers any OTC's I happen to buy, right? I don't have a gun and don't really care for them so what do I care if they ban scary guns and make the country safer. The police ask to come in to my house to make sure I am safe. Isn't that nice? At some point along that line someone gets directly effected and stands up and takes an interest. They start asking questions. Well they must be an extremist, or a crackpot, or unamerican. Until many are effected, it will always be a demonized minority. Those in power fight for the rights of the minority, right. But apparently only if it suits their agenda. One the minority actually speaks up and more listen, well then the representatives are "wrong minded" or cowing to interest groups. How dare a minority influence the majority with rational argument and actually tilt the odds in favor of stopping our Agenda. They cry "foul" and vow to ram this agenda down our throats until we see the "common sense" of it and accept. I really hope the time is coming where the people have been pushed far enough and enough have been effected that they start to take notice of all the things in your article and unfortunately the things to come. And I hope it's not too late by then. But in the meantime, we have our TV shows, hollywood gossip, cellphones, Movies, Welfare, food stamps, and Obama care. We can all live the lives of movie stars, Rap stars, philanthropists, and get all those government hand outs that let us not work, but have all the conveniences of those who do work.
    Most countries have seen revolutions or coups because the majority had nothing left. America can still afford to keep the masses content. But it will eventually stop. The country cannot sustain this "way of life". We cannot keep consuming more than we produce. When the last of the basic right like food, fiber, and shelter are gone, we will really see some standing up and taking notice.

    1. First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
      Because I was not a Socialist.
      Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
      Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
      Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
      Because I was not a Jew.
      Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.

    2. The above poem was written by Protestant Pastor Martin Niemoller, one of the first Germans to publicly discuss the complicity of fellow Germans with the Nazis. He spent 7 years in concentration camps.
      He also wrote in 1946; "Dear Friend,...I have sinned and my people have sinned against thee..." speaking to Jews.
      It is too late to apologize to people who are exterminated- once they are dead. We Jews say Never Again for a reason. Tho it continues to happen again and again. Speak up now- make change happen now- later may be too late.

  8. So many good points and food for thought. I do not agree with those who want to trash the Constitution and rewrite it. The answers to your questions must be how to make the original Constitution work as it was intended - and did for a long time - when the culture accepted laws for all. It's changing the laws and/or making so many exceptions to them that cause problems. Laws are necessary and we accept that fact. As a culture, we have decided or allowed others who don't like the ones we have to change them. Now we follow NEW rules - made by a few - for all - so that those few will prosper and the masses won't get in their way.

    1. The Constitution itself was meant to be amended. Even some of the forefathers have stated this:

      "Time and changes in the condition and constitution of society may require occasional and corresponding modifications." --Thomas Jefferson to Edward Livingston, 1825. ME 16:113

      It is the way that they are changing that I disagree with.

  9. When I saw all those people proudly opening their doors to the police to allow them in their homes I shuddered in horror. To think that so many people are cow-towed by the words of government,"it's for your protection." brought back the words of many WWII survivors who heard those very words from Hitler. I would have told them NO you cannot enter my home but you are welcome to walk around outside all you wish. No warrant, no search. I don't understand how sacrificing so many of our precious rights for a little so-called safety is an even trade. I value my rights too much to cave to fear.

    1. I agree. I totally was shocked and horrified when they entered everyones homes and searched. And the most horrifying part was, they didnt even fight it! and more, the Media didnt say anything about it. I dont think I would of let them in my home. without cause! I was also very disturbed by the total Lockdown and was thinking at the time it was good practice for the government to be able to extend this to other so called "disasters" I am very worried about the future for my children and grandchildren!

  10. I certainly agree with everything you've said, but this leads to the question of 'what do we do'. Those like some here that say 'I would have told them NO...', uh huh sure you would have. And after they arrested you (wrongly but what does it matter) and forcibly searched your house anyway, and you go to jail for a little while. You are publicly vilified cause you MUST be a bad guy, you must have something to hide, otherwise you wouldn't have refused.

    Even if after all is said and done, you are released. How long has this taken? Who is to pay your legal bills? How do you get your reputation back? What if you were a single parent, whose kids would go into the system upon your arrest? How do you get them back? Who pays for all THOSE legal bills? All of us who want to say 'This must stop, we must stand up!' can we really say that we would do so in such a situation?

    I would love to think that I would say NO and stand my ground. But am I willing to allow my whole life to be destroyed for this principle? Not when my individual sacrifice is likely to produce ZERO change.

    1. Thank you Suze; you posted what I was thinking but didn't know how to verbalize. Just what is it that we should do? If several men in body armor wielding semi-automatic weapons bang on my front door & demand to search the house because a madman is on the loose (which had been verified by photos/video of residents in the area of the shootout), I am letting them in to search. No, I would not be happy about it, but no, I am not going to deny them entrance for the reasons you state. I don't like it, but I don't know what we can/should do about it, either.

      Interesting blog post with great points & food for thought. Thank you all for sharing.

    2. Good point. Better perhaps to rally together neighbors and all take a stance, because eventually it would be a hindrance to have to arrest everyone!!!

  11. I think it is somewhat interesting of note that they didn't find the guy until the lock down was lifted, and people were 'allowed' to come out of their homes. Most people in parts of the city were actually out and about, you would not be shot dead on sight(unless you looked jumpy or Russian). I live in Boston, so I can say for certain that people, most people around here are scared. Even yesterday (Saturday), every five minutes another police siren went off, National Guardsmen are still everywhere, and at least 40-50 unmarked and minimally marked--various agency cars are parked around the various 'points of interest'-- and that's no longer a designation of a tourist landmark. It is by and large the illusion of safety, and is ultimately making everyone more on edge and uneasy. Especially, the longer they are here. Is this a sort of floating military state? A sort of fugue form of martial law? It's very strange. Even still, as you said in your (very well stated) article, people have kind of accepted it. Taking pictures with the MP's and such. Ironically, as you so pointed out, what once was the cradle of freedom is now being rocked so hard that the bow is breaking. As is the way it goes... my humble prediction is, there will be a healing period, some speeches, a monument, the world will resume--forget, then even Boston will resume and forget. All of this will be lost in the news feed, the urgency and the passion we felt for that week or month or more, the memorials that sprang up, the people that died, will all be forgotten by and large by the whole. You will be able to walk down Boylston St, and get a sense of "oh boy, this is where IT happened, huh?" Then turn into your favorite store and resume your life, which is what we want right? But then it will happen again, somewhere else, and then again, somewhere else. And more rights will come to pass, and we will sacrifice them because "we dont want THAT to happen again!" and it will. So what do we do?

    1. What do we do? (1) Take personal responsibility to see that the local ballot box is secure: no voting dead, stuffed ballot boxes or machines, etc. (2.) Get our Representatives and Administrators by exerting "political power": communication in mass: to follow examples that work: Like: Switzerland and Israel. AND the U.S. and State Constitutions: Like the Second Amendment: & State Defense Forces: Legal and authorized/organized [also known historically as Militias] Be prepared personally: Spiritually and on the physical level: Water , food ,security, local community participation like Volunteer Fire Dept. & Sheriff's Auxiliary, Red Cross, Etc.

  12. I think there should be a mechanism where a legal, law abiding citizen can request to review their files and see what the government is doing with the information they are gathering. It's only a matter of time until this information is going to be misused for political gain....if it's not being done already.

  13. Brent, are you insane? Review their files? WTF? Why does a "file" even exist? Right there is part of the problem. You've accepted being enslaved and you want to negotiate your way into and thru it with the tyrants. "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" and "shall not be infringed". So on and so forth. Slaves is what the general citizens of America are. Good little serfs. All scared of their own shadows. We deserve what this country has become. Our laziness and complacency have brought us here and we did nothing about it. Wake up. Stop accepting and obeying unConstitutional rules and laws. Participate in civil disobedience. There is no gain without sacrifice.

  14. Mike’s post has bother me for a day or so. I was going to let it pass, but I just can't seem to get it out of my head and therefore it begs a response.

    Mike starts out with a perfectly reasonable premise - it's good to keep an eye on the government lest they overstep their bounds. Unfortunately, Mike then proceeds to spin this reasonable premise into typical “The Government’s out to get us” paranoia. Mike says he’s been in the media for many years. Then he should know better. He should know that words have power.

    He starts with a very nice and disarming, "This may tick off some folks” which gives it a “This is just my opinion and you can disagree if you want” kind of feel to it. It’s a good tactic. It’s a good tactic to invoke the 2nd amendment with. Well, even with the 2nd amendment, you can’t yell “Fire!” in a crowded theater. There are reasonable restrictions put on all of our “rights”.

    This type of article is just plain dangerous. It inspires those that are on the fringe, those that have extreme viewpoints, those that think they are living in Nazi Germany, to think it’s up to them to do something about it. And that’s how we end up with the Boston situation in the first place.

    There’s a difference between keeping an intelligent, reasonable eye on the Government, and seeing conspiracy and abuse of power everywhere you look.

    Let’s take a look a few of Mike’s statements through a non-paranoid lens:

    “Over a million people were ordered” - I heard “recommended”, and people voluntarily complied, but “ordered” sounds so much more inflammatory, let’s use that instead.

    “A few city and state officials (maybe just one or two) made that decision...” yes, they were our ELECTED officials. Not a couple of guys that “took” power by force and show a regular abuse of that power. I guess we should have taken a poll of everyone involved first.

    “...without any objection from what I could see.” Shame on people for trying to assist authorities in the capture of these fugitives by VOLUNTEERING to stay out of the way. Shame on people for trying to stay safe.

    “demanding unquestioned access to search homes without a warrant” - Do you have any evidence of someone who denied access to their home and were forced to comply at gunpoint? Or do we simply see an intelligent populace trying to help in the process of apprehending the fugitives?

    “Those teams exited their military Humvees equipped with machine guns and body armor, they demanded to be let in even if the homeowner knew for a fact the teenager they were looking for was not there.” - nice imagery here Mike. This REALLY makes it sound like they were “oppressing the people”. These guys might have had bombs strapped to their bodies. Perhaps the police should have been wearing beachwear? Is it possible that the “ teenager they were looking for” (why didn't you just say terrorist?) might have had the homeowner at gunpoint and therefore under duress?

    The bit about the inspections to fly the airways - A real oppressive government, the one you’re warning us about, would require such inspections without notice and anywhere / anytime they wanted. It’s a choice to fly on a plane. You don’t want to “get rid of that shampoo” or submit to a simple inspection? Then don’t fly. Ride a bus. In a real oppressed society, you wouldn't have that choice.

    1. Continued...

      “we're conditioned to accept it.” - What you call “conditioned to accept”, I call prudent and intelligent behavior and choices. I think intelligent, balanced people aren't simply conditioned, they make reasonable choices.

      I could have gone go on and on, countering every one of your statements. But I doubt it would do any good. The people you have inspired - those already on the fringe - won’t read this, nor agree with it because it’s reasonable. These people don’t want reasonable. They want to be angry, they want someone to be angry at, and have someone to direct their rage at. Congratulations. Your post does just that. Unfortunately, to strike at the Government, you strike at the people. Well done Mike, you have helped to create more Boston Bombers.

      Over and over you paint a picture to put events in a certain light. And unfortunately, some might fall for it. But I hope most intelligent people will see through your imagery and spin. But I’m concerned about the people that won’t take the time to think through your description of events.

      Yes Mike, as you well know, due to your background, words have power. Great power. Your words will certainly inspire people. People on the fringe. People with extreme views on reality. People like the Boston bombers. Well done, Mike.

    2. Thank you Joel! I can appreciate both the original article and your response. I must admit that as I read it the 'spin' slapped me right in the face.

    3. Keep asking questions, Mike. Compliance is not American.

    4. Also "How did we get to a point where thousands of people, without objection or even question, comply with unilateral orders to not earn a living, not go to school, not go on vacation, not enjoy that day off and visit the coffee shop?" I'm sure no one wanted to be out in public with a terrorist in their neighborhood or send their children off to school.... You say it as if no one was scared for their lives.

    5. Joel and Cynthia, I almost feel sorry for you. You are so part of the problem and don't even come close to realizing it.

      Seriously, do you really, think, even for a half second, that anyone was going to aid or abet this fool? Not a chance.

      I find that it ended after a homeowners tip AFTER the all clear was given an almost humorous indictment of the whole draconian martial law search they had set up.

    6. This is the best post here. Thank you.

      I'm tired of these criticism from bored "journalists" that weren't anywhere near the event, while the people who actually live in Boston have nothing but praise for the police that may well have saved their lives.

    7. Good little sheep, Go Back to sleep.

    8. Joel. Go to youtube and search for "Yuri Bezmenov: Ideological Subversion has Four Stages / Yuri Bezmenov". When you're done with that watch "FBI Agent Talking About Bill Ayers' Plan to KILL 25 MILLION PEOPLE". Then consider that our President was mentored by a card carrying Communist Frank Marshall Davis. Then consider what many people are saying about his connections to Bill Ayres. Consider that Van Jones and many others hired by Obama were Marxist radicals. Consider how Rahm Emanuel stated never let a good crisis go to waste and has used every crisis to attack everything we were founded upon. Consider how Marxism is based in class warfare and now suddenly under Obama everything is the fault of the rich even though the government takes our money by force and the rich take it by our choice to give it to them. Consider how Obama was caught telling the Russians how he'd be able to do more after the election, there wasn't even a consideration that he wouldn't win. Consider that class warfare and revolution is the hallmark of Marxism and suddenly during the Obama administration we have kids chanting revolution and placing all their blame at the feet of those with more money. Consider that unions have long had deep ties with Marxism and now every job Obama pitches, education, construction, cops, teachers...all are union jobs. Consider how Obama has attacked all the rights in the Constitution that would let us defend ourselves in the case of government tyranny. Consider how they say "united we stand, divided we fall" yet how Obama has divided us in every way imaginable and pushed every controversial policy with all his might. Consider how every law he passes takes power from those that believe in what this country was founded upon. Consider how we are constantly being told how extreme the Tea Party is with nothing to back it up while the press ignores incidents like the San Francisco Black Bloc destruction (Youtube search Obama's Occupying Black Bloc Destroying San Francisco) and minimizes attempts by Occupy to blow up bridges. Consider the destruction in many cities and the plots of destruction and yet Obama didn't have one negative thing to say, in fact he only prodded them on. I don't remember demonization of the successful like this under any other President. Consider Obama's own words of how he wants to fundamentally transform the Country. Consider how he demonizes anyone that stands up for American values and his helpers assassinate the character of any dissenters. Consider how all media is now controlled except for Fox and Conservative radio. Hollywood, TV News, TV Entertainment, the music industry, newspapers and the rest of the media is all saying the same things and the "extremists" that simply believe in what the Country was founded upon are represented nowhere.

    9. Consider the swat team military raids that are being conducted on businesses where basic rights are being violated (youtube "Rampant Injustice V2"). Consider how Obama wants to degrade our nuclear defenses even though there has never been a world war since they were acquired. Consider the stories of massive amounts of hollow point bullets purchased by agencies that are being given police force. Why are hollow points needed for target shooting as the government tells us they're being used for? Consider how Obama is indoctrinating the youth in public schools. Consider how Obama suggested a civilian military much like the SS. Consider how Hugo Chavez was glamorized by the press upon his death even though he was a Marxist that tried to take control by force and then by fraud. Consider the constant praise you see everywhere of Marxists all of a sudden. Consider that this President attacked Bush for the Patriot Act, but has only expanded it. Consider how we have video of drones flying over our cities. Consider how this President has abused his power to silence critics and the press the way the administration threatened legendary journalist Bob Woodward...this is how dictatorships act, not us. Consider the barrage of talk of revolution. Consider that we are now constantly seeing the Marxist fist everywhere. Consider that we are now seeing promotion of Marxism and the flag of the USSR everywhere in youth culture. Consider this article on Obama setting the framework for limiting free speech (google search examiner obama lays framework for purge of online opponents) Consider what was done in Boston. I can't even type all the thought provoking evidence out there. If Boston were an isolated incident it would be one thing, but with each day that goes by I see things I've NEVER seen before. This is what I want to know...given the reputable sources in the videos that say we are at war...given just the above fraction of evidence off of the top of my head...given this...I want to know what it would take to get you to open your mind to the idea that there is a conspiracy. What would it take? Is any amount of evidence enough to get you to open your mind to the possibility that we are being taken over? When taken separately you can dismiss all of this, but when you watch the videos and put everything together it ALL supports what a man from the KGB told us in the 80s. I want to hear everyone's answer to that question. WHAT WOULD IT TAKE??? How far do we have to slip down the slope before you realize we're moving towards disaster at an alarming rate?

  15. I didn't think of it that way. I mean in the military they say "we are conduction a health and welfare" they bring dogs in go thru your stuff, and its just a part of the job to keep Military people honest and get rid of the ones who aren't. But when I think about the possibility of this happening in my personal home I am offended and frankly I would have given them a hard time at the door, guns and all (i might have had my gun on me). I understand both sides of it. Though I see more wrong in the governments actions than the cooperation of the people (because it took the entire town working as a team willing to give up their right for illegal search and seizure for a few moments to find one asshole), I am glad in this instance we caught the alleged bad guy; its more than TSA ever did, and probably ever will do.

  16. 1) reexamine what's allowed to immigrate to this country. (hippies biting their beards in angst be damned, I moved here as well.) It's clear that anyone who places dogma at the top of their loyalties shouldn't come here.

    2) The state of MA should not infringe upon the residents of Boston their 2d amendment rights. I can't believe a handful of southies wouldn't have handed this creep up hours a mason jar, perhaps but he'd be off the streets.

    3)"it's for your own good". Really? Anytime the Govt talks to you in a Mr Rogers monotone, you really should wonder WTF.

  17. Open your eyes, People: Liberalism = Progressivism = Fascism.

    A lot of people have been saying it all along...

  18. Too late Sarah, the people of Massachusetts have already been disarmed. It's just a matter of time before they accomplish that in the rest of the country.

    1. Hey Robert, no one is disarmed or no one was disarmed except for the maniac that murdered and maimed over 200 people

      thanks though

  19. Very good article! I too wondered what they would have done to anyone who didn't want them in their house. And I see over and over again our little "freedoms" being removed "for our own good". What happened to "probable cause"? When I received a modest sum of money from my parents' estate I was shocked to hear how it had to be reported and that I couldn't even deposit the amount all in one day. What was the point of that? Who was it protecting?
    This article does an excellent job of getting one to think. I believe Joel is trying to bully with his attack that "those on the fringes" are the ones who agree with Mike. Not wanting the government to have free reign with us or our possessions is not being "unreasonable" Joel...and I didn't detect any anger from amyone either. This article will not produce more bombers...but it justmight produce more citizens who will stand back and assess before they just lay down for the government to do as they demand. As for the Boston bombings...they resulted from a hatred of America- not from someone who thinks our freedoms might be slipping away. Good job Mike!

  20. Thank you all for the comments!

    Yes, including Joel. He disagrees with me (obviously) but stated that viewpoint in a manner that provides for a thoughtful discussion on the direction of our culture/nation.

    That's what the article is designed to do.

    I'm shocked by the amount of views so far and the reach of this piece. Thank you all. I hope I've helped spur on an evaluation and discussion that's important to us all.

    Please, keep the conversation going. - Mike

  21. I agree with you and am frustrated as hell! We vote people in (or try to at least)who we hope will represent us as promised, but it never seems to work that way. If they DO stick to their guns, the President waits until one of their many vacations and issues executive orders. Executive orders need to be stopped, or the law needs to be changed regarding the speed in which they must be ratified by Congress. If the deadline isn't met, they go in File 13 and the President is S.O.L. Where did my country go? Even John McCain is not bothered by armed drones flying over the country at random. I will have no bank accounts, no credit cards, and I pay for what I need with cash. Unfortunately, I have MS and receive disability (which I contributed to), so I DO have a card from them. I don't like it, but I have no choice.

    I hope your article reaches many people and makes them aware. Even though they may not listen, they cannot say they didn't see it coming.


  22. Ahhh, it is so good to hear there are others out there not thanking the authorities for taking their freedoms away. Well done! I blogged about this too though I was afraid to at first, worried about my words being held against me ... some day. Some time.

  23. Thank you for this! A friend shared this on Facebook and I'm glad I came here. I just started out on my blog recently and works like this inspire me to keep going.

  24. Mike in Missouri: I grew up just North of Boston and have lots of friends in the area; who had no problem with the authorities ASKING people to say at home for A SINGLE DAY AFTER A SHOOTOUT THAT INCLUDED HUNDREDS OF ROUNDS FIRED AND GRENADES AND EXPLOSIVES BEING THROWN FROM A MOVING VEHICLE. How dare the authorities ask people, who were more than happy to be able to do something constructive, to stay at home for a single day so they could find the second suspect and end this. By the way, if you hadn't noticed, they'd already called the lockout after A SINGLE DAY before they found the younger brother. This is not Fascism, it's a community trying to voluntarily support their law enforcement in order to bring a horrible situation to conclusion. All I can say is, I'm glad I don't live in freaking Missouri and go Boston!

    1. absolutely. the authors use of "just a teenager" and young man make light of what the suspect did. He maimed and murdered, including his own brother. Boston cooperated with the authority and the authority couldn' have done a better or more professional job.

      Why do you troll so hard?

  25. I paraphrase someone who may have been famous or did something great at one time; "He who is willing to give up his freedom for the promise of safety, ..deserves neither." (a country of lemmings)

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I have already foreseen this behavior. They are slowly taking away our rights and our freedoms by creating some justification to reason it. They are socially engineering our acceptance as with many other things. We need to stand up and work together to not accept. The are trying to control transportation, communication, resources like fuel, and eventually food and water. And might I tell you... if they control water we are in big trouble. They have been working on this for quite a while. And slowly but surely we have been allowing it. When everything does hit the fan I will be ready. The gov has been staging a lot of BS. And I am not falling for any of it. Use some common sense, and look around you is to what they have been trying to do. They want FULL control without force. Eventually identity chips will be implemented, ahem they are already working on that btw. Because of this so called bombing, they will say we no longer have the need to financially support police. They will use military....and even military robotics. You may laugh at that, but I used to work for NASA and they are using DARPA technology to produce these. the time is getting closer to what they intend to do, is take full control, and we are allowing it, because we are too weak to step up to them. Our denial is they're best weapon on us. It's really up to you to not deny what their intentions are. But do your research and learn about what is really going for your selves. Don't always believe what you see at first sight, question it.


    1. Words are powerful indeed Joel, but aren't you glad Mike is voicing his opinion? It is something we all should do.

      To state that his blog will cause more Boston Bombers is going a little overboard is it not?

    2. he's just doing as Mike predicted.... attempting to marginalize as an extremist position standing up for our rights

    3. I heard the local radio station read this article and thought it was great. I have also re-posted it on my site and hope you don't mind. I gave you all the credit.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Obviously, the steps the government has taken thus far have done nothing more than shore up their position as adversaries of the American people. We are not safer than we were before 9/11. The truth is, that has nothing to do with us. The government has set all their efforts toward restraining liberty in the name of public safety, all the while ignoring porous borders and failing to follow up on actual threats.

    The truth is that we were the real threat to the government all along. They never squander an opportunity to entrench themselves against the citizenry.

  30. this is such a condescending bullshit article.

    1. Well, please do show why it is bullshit. That way we can all be enlightened by your opinion on the matter. This is good so we can make a more rounded decision.

  31. I want to know exactly what freedoms have been taken away? The residents of Boston and Watertown were asked to remain inside. The 2 bombers, (not alleged) were out and about, no one knew where. So the citizens complied with the request, The people in Watertown? They were probably glad for the door to door search, many of the older homes there have accessible cellars and garages. Obviously the young man who so cowardly participated in MURDER was familiar enough with the area that he could hide. He chose a boat, but he could have just as easily gain access into a home via an unlocked clear entrance. Those of you who have decided that this was caused by Liberals in this country should move to the conservative country of your dreams. I have to agree with Joel, the OP was being inflammatory and making sure the pot is stirred.

  32. did anyone refuse? If so what happened? Were any arrests made for things they found in the homes they had to be looking in closets and underbeds? Could this be done in any other place? What happened to Posse comitatus. Now people say oh no monsters are coming to get us. Stick up for yourself.

  33. Thanks, just shared with my network. Very thought-provoking.

  34. The article is hardly thought provoking. Please show me ONE resident who refused the request and whose house was forcibly entered.

    1. It is NOT illegal search and seizure if you consent to the authorities searching your house.
    2. The authorities did NOT mandate you stay at home nor did they arrest you if you didn't.

    The people of Boston CHOSE to support these requests. Hardly acts of police state.

  35. I think you are overreacting. The people of Boston were on lock down for one day because there was a very violent terrorist on the loose. I appreciate that they did something about it and he was caught, wasn't he. What are we suppose to do. Sit around pretending nothing is happening when a guy who just blew up a few people is on the run. The city of Boston didn't get to go to work or school or to get coffee for one day in order to catch a dangerous man. I think they will live.

    1. That type of thinking is dangerous. In essence you are sanctioning government nullification of your constitutional rights as long as they are chasing a dangerous person. Who decides who is dangerous?

  36. You make excellent points but there are previous times in US history where the government has "overstepped" its authorities for the safety and security of the United States.

    Abraham Lincoln suspended habeous corpus and installed martial law in parts of the border states to fight against the pro-Southern radicals from creating greater problems with the North. During Reconstruction, Union soldiers were stationed throughout the South and even hunted down the KKK.

    Eisenhower used the National Guard to integrate blacks into public schools, FDR required Americans to turn off (or at least blind) their windows at night to hide the profile of American cities against Nazi U-boats.

    These examples show the heavy hand of government to ensure the safety and security of the American people, sometimes against the desires of those who want to be protected. While I understand your concern, and your points are well articulated and valid, in these rare instances the issue isn't that the government perpetrated these actions, but that they withdrew their hand after their job was complete.

    US soldiers eventually left the South, Southern blacks were integrated into schools, WWII ended, etc. And when these events concluded, so did the heavy hand of the US government.

    It's a terrible choice... the sacrifice of freedoms (temporarily) to ensure the safety and security of the American people. We wish to never be put into that situation, but that is not always the case. We, the People, have to trust that our government will not take advantage of these situations (naively, we trust those we elect will respect the wishes of the voters).... but if it does, or is preparing to, we must be ready to oppose the transgression, violently if necessary.

    I don't have a problem with what happened in Boston, although I had the same concern you did. If this situation lasted more than a day, then it would have become ridiculous and scary. But the fact that the government's heavy hand did back away speaks volumes about our leaders, police, and even the citizens.

  37. Personally, I don't think we need to question the direction we've gone in. We didn't choose this direction. I'm not a conservative, but I do believe that the laws that have been put in place in recent years were, and are, the only way to deal with our world's current state of mayhem. How many more thousands of people would be dead if we didn't have these measures of security? We need to realize that terrorist attacks are thwarted almost every single day, 75 this year in New York City alone, which is where I live. We never hear about these attempts though because that would compromise our governments ongoing investigations. Listen, I'm not cool with my entire life being out there for anyone to poke into, but if that's what needs to happen in order to thwart 75 terrorist attacks in one year in the city that I live, then so be it. I don't think I'm alone in this opinion. This guy even said it himself, the entire city of Boston handed their freedom over without skipping a beat. That's because they were scared and wanted Tsarnaev caught as soon as possible. Honestly, I don't feel we've given up that much. I think we've become a society of complainypants. I think it's ridiculous to complain about being searched at the airport, boo-hoo jerkoff now spread your god damn legs so I can make sure there isn't a bomb in your grundle, selfish asshole. Sorry about that, anyway. I don't think it's wrong to monitor financial transactions, if you're not buying or selling anything illegal, you have nothing to worry about. I don't think it's wrong to monitor the internet, there's a lot of information out there that wasn't accessible just ten years ago, and if you're not googling how to build a bomb then you have nothing to worry about. That's the point in all of this; if you're not doing anything wrong, you shouldn't have anything to worry about, it's nothing more than a slight inconvenience. I'll take inconvenience over mass murder any day of the week. People say our measures of security are unconstitutional. People also forget that the constitution is a living breathing document that must be amended as times change. People weren't strapping bombs to their chests and killing people by the thousands when the constitution was written. It's a very different world now. Different world, different rules. Should we draw the line somewhere? Where? When is it too much? When does it go from being inconvenient to total infringement? We can draw the line somewhere, if we wish, but do terrorists have a line they won't cross?

  38. I have to finish reading this, but your first premise is wrong. We were not required to stay inside. Many business were open in Boston and my husband was forced by his company to come in and that business was open as usual in South Boston. No one was arrested for being outside. I saw news of one person riding their bike through the area that the police were searching who was detained on the street and then immediately let go. I was allowed to go out if I wished, but felt more secure inside until this guy, who had been throwing grenades and shooting at police officers, killing one while he sat in his car.
    You had the right to refuse entrance to the police without a warrant. That right was not removed, and no one said that it was. My husband and I refuse bag checks on the subway all the time. It slows down the line which angers those behind us, but we struggle to keep our rights in check. Everything that happened in Boston had nothing to do with civil rights. We were all allowed to continue as we wished, it was simply strongly recommended and we were told it would help to have people off the streets. Most followed the instructions to help them catch this guy (it happened after the older brother was shot). This was not done for other suspects in the case, just the ones throwing grenades. I for one had no trouble with this, aside from a bit of cabin fever. Now, had I been told that I could be arrested for leaving my house or for not allowing a search without a warrant? That would be entirely different. This was not the case, it was a large community trying to help the police, not huddle like sheep behind locked doors. Personally, I am getting tired of clearing that up.

  39. I completely and 100% agree with Joel here. I think your main issue here is your misinterpretation of the situation. As a Boston resident, we were ASKED to remain inside for our own safety. Who wants to go outside when there's a terrorist out there who detonated 2 bombs in giant crowds of people, shot and killed a police officer in cold blood, hijacked a car, threw explosives at police, and then proceeded to run over and murder his own brother? Not to mention that when they were discovered all signs showed that they were planning to blow up another building, a building on a campus full of America's brightest minds working towards a better future.

    If staying inside for one day (yes, one day, they did lift the recommendation) means that we catch the man who was responsible and we no longer have to live in fear of another attack by them, I will gladly give them that. But your question would be "What happens if they ask you to stay inside for a week? Or a month?" I guess you could say this is a lesser of two evils situation. Am I more afraid of the government overstepping their boundaries or am I more afraid of a man who has already caused much pain and suffering. And my answer is to use logic. I know that this man has hurt hundreds of people. I know that this man has already killed people. I know that this man has shown that he has no problem with shooting at police. And I know that I have basically no way to protect myself if he has guns or bombs. I do not know that the government has any malicious intent when they ask me to stay home for my own safety. And if they did, that would have to be a serious cover up for absolutely no one to know.

    Honestly, really think about it. If the government was conspiring to take away our freedoms, how many people would have to be in cohorts to do that? You have elected officials, people we put in office. You have reporters who are always searching for the next big story. You think they'd pass on a story about the government forcing everyone to stay inside for their own gain? They'd have to have every single reporter and aspiring reporter in their pockets. Think of all the people involved in this decision. The governor, the mayor, the chiefs of each police department. You think not one of them had our personal safety in mind?

    If you read interviews of Watertown residents who did have their houses searched, each one says they were asked if they wanted their houses searched. You could say no. And those that said yes said the police were extremely helpful and were telling them to make sure to call their families and tell them they're safe.

    I do think this does have a personal element to it. I live in Boston, I went to school here, and I love this city. Something terrible happened and it affected everyone deeply. We want to see action, we want to see that something is being done to bring the people responsible to justice. You probably have a different point of view since you are so removed from the situation. Who can say who has the better opinion?

    After 9/11 we were lucky to discover that the threat was foreign. What if it had been domestic? Would America have banded together like we did? The government started a war because we demanded action. Lucky for us, that war is taking place in a country halfway across the globe. But those few times the war comes to us, we still demand action. Someone tries to blow up a plane with a shoe bomb, we have to take our shoes off at security. Someone else tries to blow up another plane with a liquid based bomb, we can't take massive bottles of shampoo in our carry ons any more. Everything the government has done so far has been reactionary. There has a good reason for it. Maybe you should start being concerned when they become preemptive, maybe not.

  40. Wonderful article. America is under an evil spell, and now people are accepting martial law. Individual liberty is the only thing that protects us from government. It is an historical fact that 4 times as many people have been killed by their own governments as have died in all the wars in the 20th century. (read DEATH BY GOVERNMENT by R.J. Rummel). These massacres are always "for the greater good". They are always preceded by erosion of individual liberty and then gun registration and confiscation. We are hypnotized by the mainstream media into believing "it" can never happen here even as it happens right in front of our eyes and in our own towns. Department of Homeland security has recently purchased 2 billion rounds of ammunition and thousands of assault vehicles and bulletproof highway checkpoint kiosks. Several congressman are trying to investigate this but DHS will not give them an answer. Probably time to wake up and smell the coffee.

  41. So true - but to see the police state in action, to hear the nitwits on TV whipping up fear, to listen to the hundreds of sirens from various vehicles doing 80 on Storrow drive when they didn't need to - certainly didn't feel safer, but very insecure.
    Still angry about our police state..So sad when Boston was empty but so unnecessary - they knew it was one wounded kid -( who they found because of an old Lord and Taylor camera, not the multi million dollar setups from homeland security.).. and to shut every thing down for 47 miles , affecting 1 1/2 million and how much money and time - threat was just not there - and they lifted the ban and then a man with a boat found him, NOT the thousands of machine gun carrying solders barging into people's houses,without warrents, cops , FBI and what ever else all getting triple time.... it really was a police state, with parades of MVs - built for war zones not cities, motorcycle police in rows of 40 with blue lights and parading around - all very fascist and and unnecessary! I saw a hundred cops in Copley Sq., all standing around chatting while ambulances were trying to get through stalled traffic ( because of their illegally parked cars )Solders with machine guns on every corner in Boston - 7 miles from Watertown. Shut down the T? Stupid and just a show of power.. - the whole thing was scary - the over reaction was scary - 4 machine guns in front of the Ritz?? It was all pretty gross and so fascist - and people just loved it.. and showed just how powerful, and dangerous our local law enforcement and media are . the ..super guns and unnecessary lock downs... how happy everyone is with a police state when they are driven to fear by idiot news readers. .especially when one of the bastards was shot and the other was injured and couldn't go very far..but the fear mentality takes over and those authority figures just love power..all at triple time.

  42. I think it's easy for a non-Boston resident to think and say those things. There's a reason why us Bostonians were glad to let the police in; we were assisting them and yes, we sometimes actually do trust that the police want to catch the bad guys. We weren't forced to stay in, we were suggested to stay indoors but I knew of friends who went into the office, went to the bar, or went to get coffee. Why did most of us stay in? Because we knew there was a madman out there with potential bombs and we didn't want to get in the way of another possible shoot out. One of my friends saw the shoot out happen right in front of her house, and she was all too glad to see the police checking every home around her.

    Obviously I disagree with your points but I do believe that you just can't understand a situation like this when you are so far removed from it. Bostonians have nothing but gratitude for the police and other people of the city. We are an intelligent city, we understand when we're being played. And last Friday morning, we understood the brevity of the situation. It's fine to have your own opinions but for those of you who are insulting the people of our city, please have some respect and foresight. You never know where this sort of thing can happen and I hope that you will never have to experience this kind of terror in your lifetime.

  43. It is time to LOOK and TRUST your LOOKING and FEELING, because what these control-freaking psychopaths try and do on all levels of culture is make you distrust your own sense of what is going on. This is reason one of the control-freaks was recently reported saying about the Boston Bombings investigation words to this affect: 'ONLY pay attention to what WE are showing you and telling you, nothing else'. This is utter patronization as though they are speaking to children!!
    So WHO is going to ask the serious questions. One is: WHERE is the pictorial evidence of one of the suspects placing down a bomb and walking away? Because that is what officialdom claims exists. That this evidence exists. If so we DEMAND to fuking see it! ALL they DO have is the two suspects walking around on a couple of clips, and their bags do not even match the remnants of the bag shown.
    BUT as well as this to LOOK at the occultist clues, because this is ALSO a language, and they expect you not to see it, or if to mention it to be ridiculed----same is so for the 'insider' references these psychopaths include in cartoons and films etc. LOOK and SPEAK OUT and ASK QUESTIONS!! If you choose to keep quiet do you think that will stop them?

  44. I am glad that some of the media is finally waking up. It's about time because we are in some serious ass trouble in this country. People are still arguing about either being Democrat or Republican and all I can say is wake the hell up it is not 1988 anymore! It doesn't matter because the United States is being marched right into the New World Order by elite Zionist who run congress.Don't my fellow and my lady citizens see this? They fill the media with all kinds of distractions. They have black people and white people fighting, they have gay people fighting with churches,they have staged shootings to breakdown the United States constitution, all the while sitting back laughing as our country is going under. Please America I am begging you all to wake up and smell the coffe and pancakes! Before the United States collapses in front of us.There has to be people in the military and FBI who see it. Obama is just a puppet to the folks behind all the things going on. Keep in mind that every media outlet in the United States is owned by six Zionist corporations. The same folks who own Fox, own CNN. They want us divided but if every American took a second to think about what we could accomplish by uniting we could save the USA! We could do it by simply uniting under the constitution and voting out all of the people who are in place to destroy the United States. The power is within us and the people who wrote that priceless document,our constitution, knew what they were doing 240 years ago.

  45. The writer forgot to even mention all the cameras on traffic lights and everywhere else now. The problem is that this nation has been lied to and divided. Half of the country takes the stand of the founders and feels that big government is something to worry about. The other half thinks big business and someone with money is the problem. Personally, I think putting power in the hands of the government is much worse because they have the full weight of the law behind them. People were warned that this President was mentored by a Communist and surrounded himself with Marxists. They don't know the history of Marxism and how the poor and workers are used to take power and then it always becomes a dictatorship. Small government, religious morals, low taxes, traditional marriage, not killing babies, personal responsibility and keeping the government from buying off voters with social programs...these were the ideas we were founded upon, but now people have moved so far left, that they believe and are told that these ideas are outdated and extreme and instead of caring about real rights that preserve freedom they have been distracted with artificial "rights". As long as this administration is allowed to lie and divide and use the full force of the media, public education system, entertainment and the music industry to push the same lies, we will have a problem. If you can open your mind to the idea that we are being taken over, you can see how scary this government is becoming on a daily basis. This was all predicted. We are at war and no one knows it. Youtube "yuri bezmenov four stages of subversion" and see that this has been in the works for a long time. If you watch that video everything else you see now makes perfect sense if you can just open your mind to the idea that this man is who he says he is which he documents. The problem is that many people don't want to do the research and they don't want to be wrong so they keep their eyes closed. This is the fall of America. The biggest heist of power in history and in every case where Marxism has been tried it always starts and ends the same way. With character assassination, with cameras, with the chipping away of the constitution, with the lies, with the division, with the straw man fallacies, with the disarmament, with more rules, with more government power, with raids, with distractions, with illegal alien amnesty in order to lock up the Presidency at the expense of citizens, with all these things we are being systematically locked down and over half the population doesn't see it. The worst atrocities in the world have been by powerful governments, but no one gets it. Unless you can make the other half see what's happening, there is no hope. This administration is pushing our buttons and hoping we rebel so they can make those that support freedom out to be terrorists and attack them sealing the country's fate. Also Youtube "FBI Agent Talking About Bill Ayers' Plan to KILL 25 MILLION PEOPLE". These two videos NEED to be watched. Until we can make people understand that this is reality, both of these people are who they say they are and neither have a reason to lie...unless people open their mind to this we are doomed. No nuclear missiles needed, no revolution needed, we voted our enemies in. Rome is falling.

  46. Two words for everyone: Term Limits. 2 6 year terms for Senators, and 6 2 year terms for House. President can't stay longer than 8 years, why should members of Congress. You can alleviate alot of the issues and problems we all face if you limit the amount of time these characters in Congress stay. Some of these nuts have been in Congress for so long, they forgot about the people they are there to represent. By washing out the yahoos who have been there forever, you put fresh blood and ideas in because these people are used to living with the people they represent. This way you also bring down the radicalness of both parties. Are Democrats and Republican in your local states as far out of whack as the Federal Democrats and Republicans? No they aren't. Terms limits would get our representatives more in line with the people they represent because as it stands now, they don't.

  47. of the people, by the people and for the people...........don't forget that corporations are now people. Are their campaign donations going to trickle down to the real peoples beliefs? I think not. Eliminate political donations and make politicians stump across the country on a soap box like they used to do. As long as we elect the officials with the most money and the most effective negative ads our system will never change.

  48. we have up to this point complied long as we continue to be sheep led in the wrong direction things will continue to worsen. We need to say NO more.... we will not comply.

  49. if we stop playing their games that is wasting our time and giving them more time to get foot holds in our freedom NO more lets STOP giving in...NO MORE you can not get what you want if we say this ALL of us then things will change it wont be easy cause people believe everything that is told them without checking things out too many people dont know our constitution...don't know the laws and when they come at us saying::it's the LAW :::we believe them when it is not the law like the stupid census

  50. I just wanted to take a moment to, again, thank you all for the comments, Facebook & Twitter shares, forum posts and comments here.

    I can hardly believe my eyes when I see how many times this article has been viewed on this blog.

    Also, thank you for the WAY you are discussing the article. Whether you agree with me or not, you are welcome to leave your thoughts. I said in the post that I'll leave comments up as long as they aren't vulgar or threatening and I'm happy to say that I have not had to delete a single comment so far.

    I'll admit that I was a little nervous about what would happen when I opened up the comments to anonymous posts. So far, so good...

    Thank you to everyone - including those who are taking issue with my viewpoint and disagreeing with me - for being a part of a healthy, pointed conversation.

    Please keep it going. I'm thrilled that my thoughts at the moment last Friday night are adding something to what I think is a very important discussion our nation/culture should be having right now.



  52. I made some extremely important points that I've felt for a long time. However, you put those feelings of discomfort and discontent into words quite eloquently--more eloquently than I could have ever attempted.

    Thank you, Mike.

    p.s. Anybody who thinks we need a new constitution is nuts. We need to get back to our constitutional rights.

  53. One of the comments said that we need to rewrite the constitution and start over again - I think we just need to sit our "representatives" down and have them read the original and demand that they actually abide by it - if not - your ass is out of office and no, you do not get all the benefits for SERVING your country. Thank you Mike for an interesting and insightful article.

  54. Freedom is never more then one generation away from extinction.We didnt pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.{Ronald Reagan}

  55. You have written some very strong points that the majority have either intentionally overlooked, or just don’t want to hear. The main issue as you stated, is that those whom challenge the government, or in this case the majority are deemed as extremist, and/or even terrorists. So how then, do we cry for freedom and justice? Is that what our Forefathers did, were they not deemed as terrorists to the Crown. No one in America seems to want to learn from the past, we forget every lesson which we learned through blood shed so quickly. Now 2013, not 1700, the will of the Government, not the people is being pushed upon the majority through the power and manipulation of the media and those we elected. So, how do we challenge our Government? How do we have honest news broadcasts which are not manipulated or spun in a specific political direction? Unfortunately the "we the people" consist of a large majority of scared and uneducated individuals, who merely rely and will do what is told of them as it is sold as to their benefit. The majority in this country only care about themselves, and will only standup when something affects their individual freedoms. And when they do, the Government, with the assistance of the media, turn that individual and/or their cause, into a threat against those which are so easily manipulated, “We the people.” Oh well, let’s just head to our favorite coffee shop, watch the news and act as if this doesn’t really affect us.

  56. The erosion of liberty is a subtle, creeping weed of unfathomable consequence - in the guise of a comforting shade tree - with too many of us finding solace in its numbing shadows. If we don't face the sun and weed the garden now, I fear we'll once again discover that very real monsters are spawned in the darkness of liberty's compromise.

  57. Rick 25 April 2013, Re-Write the Constitution???? Let me ask you one thing, who would you get to do it? I read this article with curious perplexity, it is a very slippery slope we live on. But it's not just us, it's everyone in every country on the planet. Bottom line is, Good vs. Bad! Quite frankly, I don't know the solution, does anyone? Man in his infinite wisdom and search for knowledge has created a perfect paradox. We've painted ourselves in the proverbial corner and there is no way out!!! But there is ONE, maybe you've heard of him, his name is Jesus. You've not seen him, but he's coming. And then, and only then, will Good and Bad be Sorted. Everyone go ahead and try to figure this out, and lets see how much worse it will get. Me, I'm waiting for the ONE who can, and praying all they time that we can make it another day until he comes.

  58. Fear is an awesomely powerful motivator to step aside and allow others to take over. Surrender can actually feel pleasurable because somehow the burden has been lifted. Most hostages fall in love with their captors.

  59. I read through a great many of these comments, both the ones I agree with and the ones I didn't. Almost every one is to be commended on the amount of decorum and respect exhibited throughout. The thoughts expressed in the article are those I have held for a long time; safety and security are not necessarily compatible with personal freedom. Many times they're totally in opposition to each other. The question is which do we as Americans want most. I have often wondered how Germany succumbed to Hitler and the Nazis, and have often stated that I didn't think it could happen here. Now I am less certain. The whole program in Germany was in public for the good of the people, to keep the people safe, to make a better place to live. Essentially it was set up for the government to control the people so the Fuhrer could accomplish his goals. The fear of gun-toting authorities was a big part of that acquiescence. Nobody knew what to do when they were going to get shot or arrested or whatever. Look at the whole picture of what Mr. Ferguson said. This erosion is a pattern and those in charge or not going to be stopped. Precedents have been set and will be called upon in future actions. Yes, the lockdown was one day; the next might be a week. Yes, it seemed reasonable for people to let police into their homes, and they did it willingly. On the surface no rights were violated. But there will be more and more military/law enforcement takeover of our lives and we will stand powerless before it, shaking our heads and wondering how it happened. What do we do? This country was founded on the principle that we stand up to a government we don't approve of, which is doing things we don't approve of. All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to remain silent. That's one of the great lessons of history.

  60. Proposed solution- requires long and deep thought to understand why it would be productive if implemented: Proposed Amendment XXIX (that's #29): Unless the Federal budget be balanced, no person may consecutively serve more than six years in the Congress.

  61. Control is the central (and mute), issue here, the demand for security in a world that offers that to nothing alive applies to us personally and as a group. Our cumulative fear of terrorism (fabricated or not), is in proportion to our willingness to sacrifice our "freedoms" believing that one unknown (terrorism) supersedes another unknown (government/military/technological "protection"), sounds like gambling with fear as dice to me.

  62. Oh boy oh boy oh boy.......You have created quite a conundrum in my brain. I must post this anonymously (sorry) because I am a police commander. I am a political conservative (very much so), and a Constitutionalist. I am going to be blatantly honest with you: These thoughts never crossed my mind until I read them.

    Did anyone see the Gene Hackman/Denzel Washington movie, "Crimson Tide"? At the every end of the movie, they stand before the Board of Inquiry, and they are told, "You were both wrong, and you were both right. And this is going to keep this board tied up for quite some time. You've created a hell of a mess". (or words to that effect). This is sort of how I see this. The police are right, and the police are wrong----and coming up with an answer is something that will keep us busy for a long time. Sure, you can just be "black and white" and say that everything is crystal clear. But I'm sorry, the real world gets in the way of black and white.

    As a commander, what am I supposed to do? Break down the perimeter where I know the suspect is contained? Then I catch hell from EVERYONE, and I probably get demoted. Or do I maintain the perimeter, which is what we are trained to do, and search door-to-door for the suspect? BTW, to my knowledge, the police did not make entry into any homes where the homeowner said "No"--it was permissive entires only (I could be mistaken, but that is what I was told).

    So many things swirling through my mind. I don't have an easy answer....I see both sides, and I agree with both sides. Lovely---now what?

    1. I think this is one of the best comments of all. It is easy to see both sides. With that said, I think the billions we've spent on the TSA is an excellent example.

      The only thing the TSA gives us is inconvenience and the illusion of security. I would go back to pre 9/11 airport security if I had the choice. I don't feel safer because I have to take my shoes off and have them xrayed. And we were plenty safe pre 9/11. That was a fluke and the passengers would rebel if attempts were made to hijack an airplane with box cutters today.

      To me, it is just the government trying to get us used to getting searched. The government won't take our rights away all at once. We will willingly give them up one-by-one for the illusion of security. Thank god for the Constitution!

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